"The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together. Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures. Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these. You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you. You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may. And wait. For the next collision."

15 September 2012

Regret is Useless???

Regret is Useless.

But I still have it...


Only One.

My only regret is that I did not have
the capacity to devour like you.

I didn't have the strength to take every
emotion you had and burn it.

You are carnivorous,
consuming every wisp of
calm and integrity a person can have.
I couldn't force you...
I couldn't gorge on your happiness,
Nor could I devour you love...

I didn't have enough anger to counter your force
Not enough power to hold down your 
hope and grace.

Your innocence so squandered not by,
But only shown in your leaving...

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